Bilingual KinderGarden in Berlin Steglitz
Education house for families
As a partner, we accompany the development of children, parents and families.
Our bilingual kindergarten is a place of relationship and education, in which our educators create a place of well-being for your child.
Our advice, education and exercise offers accompany you as parents on your way to family and on your further journey together.

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Our mission is to support and encourage children in their “BEING CHILDREN” and families in their “BEING FAMILY”.
Partnership between the kindergarten and the family creates space and environment for the best possible development of potential.
We support the child...
by creating a heart place where the focus is on the needs of the child.
through attachment and unconditional acceptance of the child and his family.
by conveying tangible security as a prerequisite for independence and self-efficacy.
by preserving the innate curiosity of children and their intrinsic motivation as the basic motor for their lives.
by creating a needs-oriented and free childlike community and thus a safe creative and development space for children in their "KinderGarten"
Support for the family and social environment of the child...
by strengthening the family through a systematic approach along the family cycle
through a varied offer that invites you to exchange ideas and provides orientation
by supporting personal development, such as positive parenting offers in the "ElternGarten"
and thus the creation of a basis for parents and families to be able to cope better with their everyday life.

Our educational offers integrated in an EDUCATIONAL HOUSE for ...
...parents and families
to strengthen families

day care centers
for the development of the child's potential

Teaching material based on the latest scientific findings

Mediation of therapeutic offers

Individual offers in the different educational areas language, music, movement, mathematics, technology, nature & environment, art (artistic design, drama), digital education (in the pre-school year)

Leisure & holiday offers

Children's content offers: library, audio and cinema library (online and offline) with content that is fun and has educational value

Community meeting place (off and online)

Building a parent community from the
Pregnancy (online & offline)

Information on child development areas "everything about the child"

Parent and family counseling in educational areas as well as mediating and cooperating with therapeutic, interdisciplinary specialists

Parental leave projects "better compatibility of family and work"

Family Leisure Offers/ Babysitter Offer

Workshops for parents on all areas of child development up to adulthood

Interdisciplinary offers (see parent and family counseling)
Taking into account future opportunities

Innovative projects in sociological education
such as parental leave 2.0 to improve the compatibility of family and work

Cross-age projects
such as "then and now"

UNESCO projects/ intercultural offers/ cooperation with other educational institutions
such as schools, clubs and initiatives

Project "our dacha"
for experiencing nature and forest education, as well as the offer to use this dacha for our heyday family community outside of the kindergarten times.

Cooperation with educational projects in Berlin
such as Digitalwerkstatt, Candyfloss Ties, Little Music Makers, and much more
...a preparation for tomorrow's challenges through inner human strength.
All relevant points and forms for registering your child in our Kindergarden in Berlin Lichterfelde West/ Steglitz.
What happens next: we will inform you about the current status of the registration process and about vacancies.
There from the start: discover how our new kindergarten in Berlin Steglitz has been created.