Recognized partner of the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Families in Berlin
As a recognized partner of the Berlin Senate for Education, Youth and Family, we base our actions on the
Berlin education program in addition to the legal foundations.

Our legal mandate
Our educational mission
Our understanding of education is largely based on the BBP: “Day care centers and child day care have the task of supplementing and supporting the education, upbringing and care of children in families in order to ensure that all children have the best possible social, emotional and mental development. ... Education is appropriation and shaping of the world ... getting an idea of yourself in this world - developing personal responsibility, getting an idea of others in this world - getting involved in the community in solidarity, experiencing world events , to recognize – to responsibly shape the world together with others. ..."
Our day-care centers, like all others, are subject to the legal requirements of the Social Security Code and, in Berlin, the Day-Care Center Promotion Act (KitaFöG).
Our child protection mission
In addition to the above educational mandate, we are also committed to child protection. In Section 8a of the Social Code VIII (Child and Youth Welfare), the legislature has defined the protective mandate in the event of a threat to the welfare of children. On the basis of this law, the competent public youth welfare authority (youth welfare office) has concluded a written “Agreement to ensure the protection mandate according to § 8a SGB VIII” with each of their KiTa providers.
Find out more about the Berlin education program here
We see ourselves as promoters of the development of potential in early childhood in different areas, for example, as a partner of parents and families, we offer educational opportunities for children, parents and families.
As an educational institution, we are a recognized partner of the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Families (Logo of the Senate) in Berlin, so parents can use their entitlement with a daycare voucher in our facilities.